Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sweet Sorghum And Jambalaya

Yesterday I made a pot of Jambalaya,and now I can't find the recipe on line I used and it isn't under my Favorites or neither can I find it when I look under Yesterday's History,oh well at least I got a picture of it,and it was so good.Even my husband thought so,and he is my biggest critic.I used fresh tomatoes,peppers,onions,and basil in it chopped up.With Cajuan and Creole spices also. Not sure if many know what Sorghum,or what I call it Molasses,is from sugar cane,grown in the spring looking much like corn,without corn on the stalks,eastiest way for me to describe it,and with the weather cooler this is the time of year to make molasses.And many people here in our region call it Sorghum Molasses,which is what I grew up calling it also.Sorghum was brought from Africa made from a type of grass.And believe me it has a nice sweet taste.It was used alot for sweeting instead of sugar,Molasses contains significant amounts of vitamins and minerals and is a good source of calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron.And the reason for this,is it is used in the Stack cake I make during the Holiday's. And this morning is very cool,down to around 50 with tomorrow morning 39 for the low,shoo can we say yes it is "FALL".And I hope everyone has a very peaceful Sunday.

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