Thursday, April 19, 2012

Unforseen Events

We have had some unforseen events to happen and had a boomerang thrown in our direction,so yesterday I had to get out to find some mini-blinds for my daughter's new apt,which found nothing so this morning off to a local hardware to see if they have anything.Went to the local Chain Stores yesterday to no avail,her windows are such a odd size.But I did go to a thrift store and found a pair of brown panel curtains which 52x84 and now  have 2 pair instead of 1 pair,perfect for her bedroom(.using  blue and browns)So using my some  ruffle left  from my other curtains and going to put narrow ribbon (brown) through the eyelet perfecto.So hoping to still find blinds,but with windows 41x41 very hard to find even ones to go inside the window,but we will come up with something  I am sure.I can't wait for the weekend to get here,got to get our life in some kind of order again,and get her and the 3 granddaughters in their own apartment and help them to try to put some of the drama behind them.We never know what the next day will bring but sure always to be ready,HIS help always brings us through,so hope all have a good day.

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